Who's Scarier: Sadako or Kayako? ChatGPT Finds Out!
Welcome to Sensei Sensibility! You are the hungry mind yearning to devour weird Asian horror; I am the (questionably) knowledgeable Sensei , more than happy to satiate your cinematic appetite. As someone who spends an awful lot of time writing words, with many of my peers also primarily engaging in the act of also writing words, the rapid growth of AI engines being able to mock up reviews and articles at the click of a button is of course, terrifying to us all. However, can the robots actually help us bloggers, journalists, and content creators galore? For absolute shits and giggles (and as the curator of a spooky Asian themed blog) I decided to ask the Notorious G.P.T the burning question that has been dividing fans of Japanese horror since the noughties: Once and for all, WHO IS SCARIER: Sadako or Kayako?! While I copy/pasted the core factual text, I did edit Chat's findings to give it the good old Sensei Sensibilty ...